What makes America so appealing that would encourage an individual to pull up roots, leave their home country, friends, and most of their family? They are putting so much at risk: their livelihood, their relationships, and ultimately their lives.
Free Enterprise.
For most of the immigrants that I know the best personally, the chances offered by free enterprise are the highest motivation. Most of us home grown Americans take free enterprise for granted. There's a whole lot of other places in the world that inhibit opportunity with laws, culture, and corruption.
Just being born in the USA is like winning the lottery of life. You are born into millions of opportunities for a better life. Many immigrants arrive looking for employment, but are destined for self employment. Free enterprise offers the best chance of success towards that goal.
Why do so many immigrants realize so much success in the USA? Despite so many barriers - not the least of which being the language, they are able to surpass many homegrown Americans toward economic prosperity. My observation is cliche', but it is because they work harder and smarter.
Work ethic is a requisite. Nothing moves without being pushed or pulled. I don't know of a single successful immigrant that is not a hard worker.
Duty is held in high regards. Duty of 365 days a year. Duty doesn't take a holiday off, it doesn't call in sick, it doesn't offer excuses. It is a complete dedicated effort. No sandbagging allowed!
So many homegrown Americans are lacking that motivation. Many are complacent underachievers. Some are self defeating pessimists and others are malcontents. A few spoiled children that never grow up and a few are overly ego-tistical.
A had a friend who was a talented bike racer. He would train very hard for a race only to go out the night before and get drunk? Some people have such big egos that they sabotage their own efforts so they have a ready excuse for failure. They never have to look close and serious at themselves because of the obvious reason for failure that they provide.
There is no sandbagging among successful immigrants. They don't play that way. They were held back in their homelands. Remove the reasons of failure that were beyond their control and LOOK OUT!
Although, hard work is essential, we all know that it is not the only ingredient. You can work very hard on a treadmill without getting anywhere. Successful immigrants don't confuse action with progress. They are adept at working smarter.
They see hidden opportunities, they establish a goal, and then they go after it. They are inherintly risk takers and don't fear failure. But they do not expect immediate gratification. They are measured optimistic and certainly not self defeating.
Many of them suffered defeat in their homeland. Usually the fault was none of their own. They were working hard and smart, but somebody changed the rules! That kind of thing can happen in America too, but it is far less common.
Americans hate corruption. We also hate anything less than fair play. But we LOVE a figher and a winner! Just ask General Patton. A fighter, a winner, a smart, hard worker thrives in the free enterprise of the USA.
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